Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sincere Faith, Pure Heart, Clear Conscience, (1 Tim. 1.5)

I was supposed to go through the book of 1 Timothy and blog about it with Nick and Stokes, but recent months have been insane, for all three of us. This is just rambling from the first portion, and I'll try to make the next posts shorter, going more in depth, yet with simplicity, into individual topics from the book...
How does our Christian life work? I mean, Jesus came and lived a perfect life to die in our place for our sins, so that we may believe in Him and be saved. But what does that mean for everyday life, for regular situations? Jesus not only rescues us, but heals us. He gives us the ability to have faith and believe in Him, in it of itself an amazing gift. But faith in itself is not where it ends, as faith without works is dead. The faith we are given allows us to receive a new heart and mind which allows us not to just believe in, but also love and rejoice in Him. That means He doesn't force us to do things, because our actions, which come from our heart, are actually what He wants from us and what pleases Him! This throws away the notion that there are Christian and non-Christian things. ALL is for His glory, and out of His will. (What a gift!) But I believe that the outcome of these two wonderful gifts of Jesus gives us a third gift, a gift which has eternal implications for ourselves and others. And it is this simple, beautiful, gift - the gift of a clear conscience.

Jesus dying on the cross has given me a clear conscience. A clear conscience to name and admit past sin, but telling everyone that hears, that because of God's redemption and His grace, we are set free from ourselves, our old minds and desires and wants. Because there is now no condemnation for those who believe in Him. I can now be honest, I can be free, learning and growing constantly to be more like Jesus. I don't have to pretend like I'm this wonderful perfect church person who has never sinned, God forbid seen any rated R action movie, or felt the need to not be happy and dance through life as if everything is jolly. I can be honest about sin, life, God and others, because ultimately, my performance doesn't matter. It's Jesus' work and gifts that do it all. I can sit down with students and share my past, knowing Jesus has forgiven and saved me, and He can do the same for them. I can see girls be renewed, going from being open doors to any guy, to admitting sin, repenting, and running towards Jesus, understanding He forgives, cleanses, and makes them new. Not fixed or padded up or given a band aid. Made NEW. I can see constant forgiveness, redemption, reconciliation. And I can see less and less pride, arrogance, anger, jealousy, and selfishness. As a Christian, I don't get guilt tripped by the Church, instead I am reminded of Jesus' love, my sin, and His grace. 

His grace and mercy allows us to have a clear conscience, because we have been given a new heart that strives to be pure, because we have received the gift of sincere faith. What a wonderful truth.

For His glory,


Friday, July 23, 2010

Well, here we go again

I used to have a blog, back in the day, but have since lost track of it. Tonight, amidst good Bible reading, sermon listening, and Starbucks drinking, I shall start again. Reasons for this blog? To keep track of my thoughts, see Jesus moving in my life and the lives of those around me, and to be able to scribble down my rants. It's soothing :) Much cheaper than meds, and a little more fun than therapy. Anyway, I'm giving this a shot. It might burn down in flames, our flourish into a great library of reflections. In all things, however, glory to God alone.

"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." (1 Tim. 1.5, ESV)

Fredster, Freddy, Fredalyn, Federico, or, plain old Fred. SDG.